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Undisputed Reza still Champion

Undisputed world champion of +105 weight category,Reza Zadeh Hossein of Iran, maintained his title on the last day of the 74th Men World Weightlifting Championship with a total lift of 461 kilogrames four kilos ahead of Russian Chigishev Evgeny who lifted a total 457 kilogrames. Host nation, Qatar picked the bronze medal with a total lift of 446 through Salem Jaber Saed. Though no record were broken, the Iranian failed to defend his title in the snatch Category, when he fell behind Russian Chigishev Evgeny by a kilo, who snatched 211, while Reza snatched 210 with Salem Jaber Saed snatching 201 to pick the bronze. Reza made attempts at setting a new record in the Clean and Jerk but dropped on his way as he failed to lift 263 kilogrames which could have seen him creating a new record in total. Inspite of this his first succesful attempt of 251 kilogrames was enough for him to take the gold medal in the Clean and Jerk with Chigishev Evgeny trailing him by 246 kilogrames to place second while Salem Jaber Saed had the bronze medal with a jerk of 245 kilogrames. In what was one of the most exciting World Championships, Doha saw altogether 31 new world records and some outstanding

Young champion Klokov takes after his father

While there were no new records set, there was still plenty of excitement in the men's 105 kilogram category at the 2005 Centennial World Weightlifting Championships in Doha, Qatar. Russian Dmitry Klokov only needed to attempt and complete five lifts in order to win gold with a total of 419 kg, as well as gold in the snatch and gold in the clean and jerk. Klokov was challenged in the snatch by Moldova's Alexandru Bratan, but Bratan missed his second attempt, finishing with 190 kg to Klokov's 192 kg. Bronze in the snatch went to Slovakia's Martin Tesovic, who lifted 185 kg. Lithuania's Ramunas Vysniauskas, who was hoping for a top position at these world championships, missed all three off his attempts in the snatch. The same four athletes would once again play a large role in the clean and jerk portion of the competition. Vysniauskas came back from a disappointing performance in the snatch to put up a fight for gold against Klokov. The Lithuanian had the last lift in the competition, after Klokov posted a lift of 227 kg and decided not to use his last chance, having already wrapped up the gold all around. Vysniauskas loaded the bar at 228 kg, but couldn't quite pull it off, settling for the silver medal in the clean and jerk with 225 kg. The bronze medal went to Tesovic, who also claimed bronze all around with a total of 412 kg. Bratan finished fourth in the clean and jerk, but his total of 413 kg was enough for the silver all around. Disappointing the hosts, Qatar athlete Asaad Said Saif made zero in the clean and jerk. The last day of action at these world championships will feature the 105 + men's

Women’s competitions wound up with Korean success

South Korea?s Jang Mi-ran dominated the superheavyweight +75kg category in the final day of the women?s competition in Doha. The 22-year old who was silver medalist in Athens Olympic Games, lifted a total of 300 kilos to win China?s Mu Shuangshuang on bodyweight difference. Mu snatched 130kg to win the gold medal, but Jang was stronger on the clean & jerk move lifting 172kg, two more than her competitor. USA?s Cheryl Haworth won the total bronze medal with 287kg, also on bodyweight difference from Ukraine?s representative Olha Korobka who placed third in snatch with 127kg. The 17th women world championships finished in Qatar and China won 12 out of 21 gold medals. The athletes gave their best and the spectators in Al Sadd sport club enjoyed great games. The world records were beaten 35 times in women?s and juniors? level, while the most exiting category was the 75kg with 18 new world records! In men?s 94kg Nizami Pashayev won the first gold medals for Azerbaijan in the 74th World Championship. With a fabulous snatch of 185kg Pashayev beat the tough competition and won gold with a total of 401kg. Russian Mukhamat Sozaev was invincible in the clean & jerk with 221kg. With a total of 398kg he also won the silver medal on bodyweight difference from Bulgaria?s Olympic champion Milen Dobrev who managed to win two bronze medals (the first in clean & jerk with 218kg and the second in total with 398kg.). Belarus? Mikalai Patotski won silver in snatch with 184 kilos. Cuba?s Hernandez Coba won surprisingly the clean & jerk silver medal. Although competing in Group B?, Coba lifted 220kg and that was enough to secure him a place on the winners

IWF Executive Board sanctions Turkish Federation for repeated violation of Anti-Doping Rules

At its meeting held in Doha, Qatar on 15 November 2005, the IWF Executive Board discussed the issue of repeated anti-doping violations by the Turkish Weightlifting Federation's athletes and officials, while it provided a hearing to the delegation of the Federation. The following decision was taken, with regard to the fact that the TWF has brought the IWF and the Sport of Weightlifting into disrepute: "The IWF Executive Board hereby acknowledge the achievements of the Turkish Weightlifting Federation (TWF) having organised several international events and its valuable contribution to the Weightlifting Sport. Sanctions 1. The TWF shall be suspended from all international events until 31st May 2006. 2. The TWF shall pay the fine of US 100,000 that is one hundred thousand US dollars, before being readmitted to the membership of IWF. The IWF Executive Board declares that the fine shall be used for the purpose anti-doping activities. 3. The TWF shall identify the coaches and athletes involved in this matter and impose the necessary sanctions. 4. The TWF shall develop and implement an Anti-Doping Education Program to be approved and monitored by the IWF Executive Board." Having received the above decision in writing, the President of the Turkish Weightlifting Federation accepted

Kazakh junior Ilin claims gold on Day 6

Ilya Ilin, 17, sensationally won the gold medal in the men?s weight category 85 kg on sixth day at the 2005 Centennial World Weightlifting Championships in Doha, Qatar. He claimed the overall win lifting 286 kg, which is a new world junior record. The spectators who came to Al Sadd Sports Club before the start of evening session were lucky to see two world senior records in group B, performed by Andrei Rybakov from Belarus who beat his own record ? 182 kg - twice in the snatch. In his second attempt Rybakov lifted 183 kg, but didn?t stop on that. In the third attempt he lifted 185 kg, and automatically moved up to the list of hot favorites of the tournament. World junior record holder in a total Ilin finished the snatch competition only in seventh place with 170 kg, but started to smash one by one junior records in the clean and jerk. Lifting 216 kg in his last attempt Ilin claimed the gold, and finally renewed his own record at 386 kilos in a total. After the competition Ilin?s coach Enver Turkileri suggested that young Kazakh athlete will be moving up next year to weight category 94 kg in order to win Olympic Games in Bejing-2008 at this class. Chinese junior Lu Yong, who lifted 175 kilos in the snatch and 210 kg in the clean and jerk became second. Bronze medal went to experienced Russian Aslambek Ediev, whose last good lift at 211 kg let him jump into the third position Today the competition will feature exciting women's superheavyweight class and men's category 94

Russians can?t quite spoil China?s party

It looked like the Russians may finally put a stop to China?s golden dominance, on Day 5 of the 2005 Centennial World Weightlifting Championships in Doha, Qatar. In the women?s 69 kilogram category, 18 year old Russian sensation Zarema Kasaeva came away with a new junior and senior world record in the clean and jerk en route to claiming the gold medal all around over China?s Haixia Liu. Liu was the top lifter in the snatch portion of the competition, lifting 120 kg to Kasaeva?s 118, after Kasaeva missed her first two attempts. In the clean and jerk, both athletes made their first two attempts, leaving it to the final lift to decide gold and silver. With a lift of 154 kilos, Liu set a junior and senior world record first, but Kasaeva had the last lift and it would pay off big time. She set the bar at 157 and was solid, collecting the new record in the clean and jerk and the gold medal, with a total of 275 kg. Liu finished with a total of 274 kg. The bronze medal went to Russia?s Olga Kiseleva, who snatched 110 kg and clean and jerked 133 kg for a total of 250. There was a scare toward the end of the clean and jerk portion, when Ukrainian Natalya Davydova lost the bar on her third attempt, banging it off her shoulders. She was carried out of the arena on a stretcher, but doctors later reported that she was unhurt. Russia would try to stop China once again in the women?s 75 kg category, which featured a phenomenal battle between Chunhong Liu and Natalia Zabolotnaya, two 20-year-olds hoping to reach gold medal glory. The snatch portion of the competition would see three new junior and senior records set, the first by Liu, who lifted 126 kg. Zabolotnaya would out-duel her though, snatching 123, 127 and then 130 kg respectively, to take first place after three attempts. More records would fall in the clean and jerk portion, with Russian Svetlana Podobedova getting in on the action as well. Podobedova?s second attempt of 155 was good, for a new junior and senior record in the clean and jerk, as well as a record for the total, at 279 kg. Liu would match that record on her second attempt, and set a new one with a total of 281 kg, while Zabolotnaya missed her second lift of 153. It came down to the final three lift for all three athletes in order to decide the medals, and no one was about to go down easy. Zabolotnaya found her strength again for her third attempt of 155 kg, setting a new record for total at 285 kg, and then Liu set yet another new record, lifting an impressive 159. That put Liu at 285 as well and she had the edge in the tiebreaker by bodyweight. Podobedova still had one final attempt left. She needed to lift 162 in order to take the gold medal all around, but in the end, she fell short and had to settle for the bronze medal in the snatch, silver in the clean and jerk, and bronze all around. China once again went home on top, as Liu took silver in the snatch, gold in the clean and jerk and gold in total. Zabolotnaya picked up gold in the snatch, silver in the clean and jerk, and silver in total. Eighteen new world records, including juniors and seniors, fell in this category alone. Adding the three from the afternoon competition, altogether 21 world records was the produce of the day - an occurrence even the oldest championship-goers have never seen before. No doubt the new 1 kg rule plays a significant part in this