
Categorization of MFs

Categorization of MFs

As of 1st January 2024, the IWF’s Member Federations will be categorised based on the doping risk to the sport and are required to fulfil specific anti-doping requirements for athletes to be eligible to compete at the IWF World Junior Championships, IWF World Senior Championships and the Olympic Games.

With the introduction of Articles 18.8, 18.9, and 18.10 to the 2024 IWF Anti-Doping Rules, Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ Member Federations are required to ensure all athletes competing in the IWF World Junior Championships, IWF World Senior Championships, and Olympic Games, known as “Selected Events”, who are not already in the IWF’s Registered Testing Pool are tested and educated in line with IWF’s updated Anti-Doping Rules.

A guideline was prepared in order to help you better understand this new rule and the anti-doping requirements detailed in IWF’s Anti-Doping Rules, the criteria used to assess the doping risk and the responsibilities of each Member Federation to ensure compliance with the new requirements. Kindly find the link to the operational guidelines for categorization of Member Federations here.

An infographic was also prepared in order to help each Member Federation to better understand how it works. Please find the infographic below.

What category does your Federation fall into? You will find the 2024 list of categorised Member Federations here.

Following the webinar on the new categorization rule, which was hosted by the International Testing Agency on the 5th March 2024, please find here the presentation with the links below to the different recordings: