2006/4 Contents Editorial Best Lifters of 2006 x 2006/3 Contents Editorial Dabaya (eng) Russia by Butov WCh introduction x 2006/2 Contents Editorial Alihoseini story Jang Mi-Ran Sagir x 2006/1 Contents Editorial Vardanian Interview Lunzenfichter message x 2005/4 Contents Editorial High-class lifting in Qatar Interview Ma x 2005/3 Contents Editorial Comments on 1 Kg Rule Duisburg Park-Haus x 2005/2 Editorial We turned 100 yars old – The IWF Centenary Looking for a house in Duisburg x 2005/1 Editorial The Best of 100 Years 2004 World Ranking Lists x 2004/4 Editorial The Great Enterprise – Behind the Scenes DIMAS x 2004/3 Editorial Suleymanoglu interview x 2004/2 Editorial Suleymanoglu interview Very well, Sasha: That was a fine job! x 2004/1 Editorial 2003 Lifters of the Year 2003 World Ranking Lists x 2003/4 Editorial 2003 World Championships Vancouver – Special Report x 2003/3 Editorial 2003 World Championships Vancouver Previews Rigert confesses… x 2003/2 Editorial Interview with Halil Mutlu x 2003/1 Editorial Lifters of the Year 2002 Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I love weightlifting!” x 2002/4 Editorial AIPS Elections x 2002/3 Editorial Exclusive Interview with Cheryl Haworth Technical Corner – by Sam Coffa x 2002/2 Editorial Exclusive Interviews with Pyrros Dimas & Kakhi Kakhiasvilis x 2002/1 Editorial Weller and Wrobel x 2001/4 Editorial Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Smortchkov x 2001/3 Editorial Master Coach on Pharaoh’s Land – Ivanon left Iran in peace x 2001/2 Editorial 500 kg: Who and When? x 2001/1 Editorial Lifters of the Year 2000 Naim Suleymanoglu, Vice President – Exclusive Interview Rezazadeh to become the first with 500 kg? – Exclusive Interview x 2000/4 Editorial IWF 2000 Electoral Congress Preview x 2000/3 Editorial Two Greeks Seek Divine Glory On Olympos For The Third-Time x 2000/2 Editorial Will Chemerkin remain the Strongest? Ask Naim! – Suleymanoglu answers questions from the Web World Weightlifting in three Languages! x 2000/1 Editorial Sydney Update Best Lifters of 1999 x 1999/4 Editorial A “QATARctic” Breakthrough x 1999/3 Editorial Star interviews Offensive against the Russian-Chinese giants x 1999/2 Editorial Interview with Marc Huster Naim Suleymanoglu goes for 4th Olympic gold x 1999/1 Editorial China Revealed its Secrets x 1998/4 Editorial Exclusive Interview with Gottfried Schödl IWF Congress and Executive Board decisions x 1998/3 Editorial Dimas – Huster 3:2 Tribute to a Great Man – Obituary of Clarence H. Johnson x