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Anti-doping news

Asian Games Doping News

IWF - DAGOC doping controls covered almost 50% of the weightlifting athletes who participated in Doha, Asian Games. The contracted WADA Accredited Laboratory reported 4 adverse analytical findings (positive cases) and the Olympic Council of Asia carried out the result management accordingly. All 4 athletes accepted the result of the A sample analysis and waived their right for the analysis of the B sample. Therefore they received a 2 years suspension according to the IWF Anti Doping Code. The athletes sanctioned are as follows: Oo Mya Sanda, 75 kg (MYA) Kyi Kyi Than 48 kg (MYA) Elmira Ramieva 69 kg (UZB) Alexander Urinov 105 kg

IWF – Iranian WF sanction update

As a result of 7 hours of negotiations between IWF President, Dr. Tam�s Aj�n and new Iranian Federation President, Mr. Bahram Afsharzadeh, accompanied by Dr. A. Shahabi IWF MC Member the following was agreed on: Based on the detailed information including the current financial situation of the Iranian Federation the parties agreed in the following payment conditions of the fine previously imposed by the Executive Board. The Iranian Weightlifting Federation paid 25% and will pay another 12,5% of the fine to the IWF before the 3rd of December 2006 and the remaining 62,5% will be settled before the 20th September 2007 in several instalments. In case of any breach of the above stated payment method the Iranian Weightlifting Federation will be automatically dismembered from the IWF. The above agreement does not effect the suspension of the 9 Iranian athletes, however, the Iranian Federation may participate in international events with other

Executive Board Decisions – Santo Domingo

1. Executive Board reconfirmed its resolution from before Athens, i.e. that any athlete found positive in the 2004 Olympic Games would be banned from participation in Beijing 2008. Even if they can take part in the Qualification events, their results will not be counted in the qualification of the country. 2. Iranian Weightlifting Federation's nine athletes are suspended following positive out of competition doping test prior to the World Championships. (8 athletes for 2 years, 1 athlete for life) Further the Iranian WF is obliged to pay the fine of 400.000 USD to be spent on increased doping controlls, prevention and International Doping Fund by the IWF. Also Iranian Chief Coach is suspended from every weightlifting activity for life by the IWF and a seriuos investigation is to be conducted within the Iranian Federation. 3. Indian Weightlifting Federation's sanction was reviewed by the Executive Board. The amendment states that the ban on the Indian Federation is lifted as soon as the full amount of the doping fine, 50,000 USD is paid to the IWF. 4. Argentinian Weightlifting Federation was sanctioned to pay 50,000 USD following Anti Doping Code violations by three athletes in 2006. 5. Russian Weightlifting Federation was sanctioned to pay 250,000 USD following Anti Doping Code violations by more than three athletes in 2006. 6. Kazakhstan Weightlifting Federation was sanctioned to pay 250,000 USD following Anti Doping Code violations by more than three athletes in

IWF Doping News – Santo Domingo

Four countries had 3 or more positives: Argentina, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia. The IWF has obliged the National Federations concerned to conducting a specific investigation into each and every case, detecting also which individuals ? coaches, doctors ? are also responsible and take the necessary sanctions against them. Besides that, permanent controls would be imposed on the countries concerned ? at their cost ? including the obligation to implement an Educational and Prevention