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IWF delegation concludes successful visit to Paris

An IWF delegation was recently in Paris to meet with the organisers of the upcoming Olympic Games in 2024 and discuss on the event readiness, with about 13 months to go before the start of the competition. On June 21-22, Matthew Curtain, IWF Executive Board Member and IF Delegate, as well as Moira Lassen, IF Delegate, and Matyas Lencser, IWF Competition Manager, were in the French capital to discuss with the Organising Committee of the Olympic rendezvous about many areas of interest.


Those topics included the transportation plan, the sport presentation of the weightlifting events, the award ceremonies, training venues, and the brand identity and look of the Games. Important updates were also given on the accreditation procedures, the venue and infrastructure, test event, and the ticketing programme. To conclude the two-day visit, the IWF officials also had the opportunity to visit the venue of the weightlifting competition.


“It was a very useful and important meeting, where we could appreciate the efforts and expertise of the Olympic hosts. The Organising Committee of the Games is doing their utmost to ensure the best conditions are met for our athletes, coaches, and officials during the time of the Games,” said Matthew Curtain and Moira Lassen. 


The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will take place from July 26 to August 11 and will include the participation of 120 lifters, distributed in 10 bodyweight categories (five for men, five for women). Up to date, six qualification events have already taken place in the pathway for the event – the 2022 IWF World Championships, four 2023 continental showcases, and the recent IWF Grand Prix in Havana (CUB). The next qualifier for the Games will be the 2023 IWF World Championships in Riyadh (KSA), from September 4-17.