IWF Renewal Confirmed at Electoral Congress

June 26, 2022 – Tirana, Albania
The election of the new IWF President and Executive Board confirmed the strong wish of the IWF member federations for a renewal and change within the organization.
While it was essential for some experienced leaders to remain, a total of 12 new members will now join the Board – making for a 66% change in the leadership team. In addition, the female representation was substantially increased above the quota. Furthermore, three dedicated athlete representative positions are now an integral part of the Board, with full voting rights.
The new IWF President Mohammed Jalood commented, “I am looking forward to getting started with my new team. We have been given the confidence and trust of our members to bring positive change and this is something that I am dedicated to doing. There is a renewed energy within our organization, I have already had the chance to discuss with my team who are ready to get to work and start delivering good things for our sport.
We have a lot of new members and a lot of good experience within the newly elected Executive Board. We have a much stronger female and athlete representation than ever before and we are all focused on the future of weightlifting and ensuring that we work with our Olympic partners.”