Call for Nominations to the IWF Anti-Doping Commission (ADC)
The IWF has recently undertaken a robust process of structural reforms and governance review, with a view of fostering transparency, modernization and accountability on all fronts, while upholding the highest standards of good governance and financial integrity.
As part of this process, the IWF Executive Board has formally decided to dismiss Members of IWF’s standing anti-doping commissions, with the aim of marking a new beginning and reinforcing the governance, independence and overall efficiency of the IWF’s anti-doping efforts. The IWF Executive Board has further decided to formally mandate the International Testing Agency (ITA) to conduct an independent review and assessment of all anti-doping Commissions, including revising their governance, mission, composition, terms of reference as well as proposing new – different – Members to be appointed to the Commissions. These bodies will be composed of independent experts in the field of anti-doping and/or sports law and will support ITA and IWF’s work in maintaining clean competitions and a healthy environment for all lifters.
These bodies will be composed of independent experts in the field of anti-doping and/or sports law and will support ITA and IWF’s work in maintaining clean competitions and a healthy environment for all lifters.
In this context, the IWF and ITA wish to provide all IWF Member Federations with an opportunity to nominate one (1) candidate to the IWF Anti-Doping Commission (ADC).
The ADC will have an advisory role in the fight against doping and will support the IWF Executive Board in monitoring the IWF’s duties, while upholding the independence of the IWF Anti-Doping Programme as implemented in full autonomy by the ITA.
The ADC will be composed of nine Members as per the following appointment process:
- five independent members (including one Chairperson) appointed by the IWF Executive Board upon direct proposal of the ITA;
- four members appointed by the IWF Executive Board upon proposal of the ITA among a pool of candidates nominated by IWF’s Member Federations.
To be considered, all nominations must include the following and be forwarded by Friday, 14 August 2020, to the ITA at :
- an updated curriculum vitae, which fully outlines the candidate’s experience and expertise;
- a cover letter of the candidate indicating why and how he/she would be suitable for the position.
The candidates shall not be employed by the Member Federations of the IWF and shall be in a position to sit in the ADC in an independent manner using their skills and expertise in the sport in the best interest of weightlifting as a whole. Each Member of the ADC will have to declare past and current appointments in the sport of Weightlifting.
The ITA will review the nominations independently and recommend the most suitable candidates to the IWF Executive Board for formal appointment.