IWF Women’s Commission focuses on increasing gender equality
Chaired by Ursula Papandrea, IWF Vice President, the IWF Women’s Commission met in Suva to identify and discuss immediate and long-term tasks.
In addition to members from Austria and New Zealand, several IWF officials were interested in the discussions, including Dr. Tamás Aján, President, José Quinones, Vice President and Chair DEC, Karoliina Lundahl, EB Member and Vice Chair CRC and Attila Ádámfi, Director General.
It was established that while women are doing very well in terms of athlete participation ratios especially in Olympics and World Championships, much remains to be done in the field of educating female coaches and especially in having women in leadership positions at national, Continental and finally IWF levels.
Also strongly propagated by the IOC-IFs Gender Equality Forum and Agenda 2020, strategies for creating opportunities and ensure the pathway towards leadership roles were suggested. Such a step would be the proposed Constitution modification, for instance, to have min. 3 members on the Executive Board represented by both genders, as well as a minimum of 20% gender representation across all Committees and Commissions. This idea also to be followed up by Continental Federations. Various ideas were discussed to enhance coaching education generally and concentrated on women, etc. The Commission would also welcome useful conclusions of research specific on training women in weightlifting for further elaboration, and agreed to increase its social media presence and provide platforms.