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IWF Anti-Doping Seminar in Suva, Fiji

International Weightlifting Federation organized an Anti-Doping education seminar in conjunction with the IWF Junior World Championships in Suva, Fiji. Dr. Patrick Schamasch, IWF Anti-Doping Chairman gave information about the checklist for weightlifters such as keeping a proper diet, checking the prohibited list, consulting with the doctor and checking the IWF Anti-Doping Policy.

Dr. Schamasch also explained how to apply for a TUE. Dr. Lilla Sági, IWF Legal Counsel talked about ADAMS and the Whereabouts submission. She advised the athletes to put a reminder in their calendar in order to not forget the deadlines. Finally, Dr. Sági presented the IWF iLiftClean E-Learning Platform which besides the already existing 5 languages is available in French.

Given the collaboration of IWF and International Testing Agency (ITA), Ms. Alarna Nightingale, Anti-Doping Coordinator introduced the partnership between the two organizations. She also informed the participants about the consequences of doping and athletes’ rights and responsibilities.