IWF Discloses Four Adverse Analytical Findings
The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) today disclosed four Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs), recorded by Thai weightlifters at the 2018 World Weightlifting Championships. This follows two previous disclosures concerning AAFs for Thai athletes on 23 December 2018.
Despite testing about 52% of all participating athletes at the 2018 IWF World Championships, no AAFs were initially recorded. But further analysis in collaboration with the IWF’s Athlete Passport Management Unit, the Cologne anti-doping laboratory, saw further analysis carried out on target athletes’ samples using the most sophisticated available technique: Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). As a result, four additional AAFs by Thai weightlifters were revealed.
The Thai Amateur Weightlifting Association informed the IWF that it has launched a thorough and strict internal investigation regarding the AAFs.
IWF is pleased to note that TAWA co-operates with the IWF to reveal the cause of Adverse Analytical Findings.
By the IWF’s actions in recent years, the IWF has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to make the most difficult decisions in favour of protecting clean athletes and promoting clean sport. The IWF remains committed to implement the most advanced testing techniques to ensure that the very small minority who cheat are identified and sanctioned. With the IWF’s anti-doping efforts before, during and after the 2018 IWF World Weightlifting Championships, this was proven once again. With the support of IWF’s partners, the IWF will continue to send out a very clear message that there is no place for doping in weightlifting.
To ensure an independent decision-making process, all available data has already been provided to the Independent Member Federation Sanctioning Panel for discussion and decision at their sole discretion, according to IWF Anti-Doping Policy Article 12.
The IWF previously suspended nine Member Federation, accompanied their suspension with education and rehabilitation, in order to change cultures in high-risk countries. While it is regrettable that such support should be needed for a Member Federation, the IWF will not hesitate to provide it if necessary.
The IWF is also committed to widespread activities aimed at instilling a culture of clean sport, notably through its #iLiftCLEAN education initiative. Created and promoted in conjunction with the World Anti-Doping Agency, the IWF has an innovative outreach programme.
For value-based Anti-Doping education targeting Athletes is considered by the IWF as a key element to the effective fight against doping. For this reason, at the last World Championships in Ashgabat the IWF introduced an Online Anti-Doping E-learning Platform. All Athletes who wish to compete in the IWF’s flagship competitions will need to have successfully completed the iLiftCLEAN E-learning Course.