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IOC Olympic Solidarity – IWF coaching course in India

A 7-day complex coaching course was held in Patiala, India 6-12 December.

The course expert appointed by IWF was Tamas Feher.

Feher said: „We had a successful 7-day coaching course in Patalia, hosted by the biggest Indian Olympic Centre.

“The 23 participants received 5 hours daily theoretical and practical sessions and concluded with a written exam.”

“Some of the main subjects were: General training methodology, Training principles in Weightlifting, Applied exercises of the Weightlifting training, Technical teaching of the beginner weightlifters, Strength development in Weightlifting, Preparation of a top weightlifter, etc.

“I would like to express my special appreciation to IWF, IOC Olympic Solidarity and Indian Weightlifting Federation.”

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