VALENTIN Lidia won the women’s 81kg
Spanish VALENTIN PEREZ Lidia won the Snatch with a big advantage, ranked third in the Clean and Jerk and won the Gold Medal in the Total with 249kg. The 33-year-old legend, who has an Olympic Medal of every colour, claimed the World Champion title again after 2017 with 258kg in the 75kg bodyweight category.
This time she finished on top of a new bodyweight category. Being third in the Clean and Jerk as she missed her second attempt at 136kg making it a good lift only at her last attempt. Belarus NAUMAVA Darya, third in the Snatch went for 130kg-135kg and even lifted 137kg. She got the Gold Medal in the Clean and Jerk and Silver in the Total with a result of 245kg – 4kg behind VALENTIN.
“I competed in a higher bodyweight category than usual because I had an injury in my shoulder and I didn’t want to be exhausted losing weight a few days before the competition. My coach said it could even be for my benefit, and he was right!” – Lidia explained why she decided not to compete in the 76kg.
Ecuadorian SALAZAR ARCE Tamara Yajaira stood on the third place of the podium for her Total result of 242kg, also earning the Silver Medal in the Clean and Jerk with 137kg.
The Silver Medal in the Snatch went to Kazakh MESHITKHANOVA Raushan (108kg), who competed in the B group.