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Pan American training camp before the 3rd Youth Olympic Games

Recently took place in Lima Peru, the weightlifting camp for athletes under 17, organized by the Peruvian Weightlifting Federation by the auspices of the South American Weightlifting Confederation, the International Weightlifting Federation, and the International Olympic Committee.

10 countries of the Pan American continent were able to train for 15 days in the sports complex of the National Sports Village of Lima, Peru, with their coaches; counting on all the costs paid through the resources granted by the International Olympic Committee, the International Weightlifting Federation and the South American Weightlifting Confederation.

In this way, 30 athletes and their coaches had not only the opportunity to train 4 hours a day, but also to concentrate properly housed in double rooms, conduct seminars for coaches and athletes on Anti-doping, on Olympic Movement, and on the Youth Olympic Games. These athletes under 17 are the future of weightlifting of the American continent and among them there are some Youth Olympic Games medalist. Yesica Hernandez and Mauricio Camel from Mexico and Yineth Santoya and Kely Junkar from Colombia participated in the training camp and won medals at the Games.

The opinion of athletes, coaches and team leaders was that this initiative was very positive, and that will allow their athletes to overcome their previous marks and therefore perform according to their possibilities to benefit their countries, the Olympic movement and, of course the sport of Weightlifting.

The President of the Colombian Weightlifting Federation, Mr. William Peña expressed their gratitude to the IWF, Peruvian Federation and South American Confederation for the training camp which was realized in an excellent way and helped a lot in the preparation of the athletes improving their performance. Dr. Rosalio Alvarado, President of the Mexican Weightlifting Federation added that this type of activities not only enhance the techniques but also strengthen the Olympic spirit of the young athletes.

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