National Championships of the Republic of Belarus in memory of Alexander Kurlovich
It has become a tradition to hold the National Championships of the Republic of Belarus in Grodno, the hometown of Alexander Kurlovich.
After the tragic passing away of the two-times Olympic Champion, four-times World Champion, two-times European Champion and Member of the IWF Technical Committee, this event was held in commemoration of his memory.
The IWF was represented by Eva Balogh, Office Manager and Kornel Jancso, Editor-in-Chief of World Weightlifting Magazine. At the opening ceremony on behalf of Dr. Tamas Ajan, IWF President the delegation expressed their heartfelt condolences to the widow, Olga Kurlovich, the Belarus Weightlifting Union and the leaders of Grodno.
The IWF representatives, accompanied by Siarhei Samuseu, BWU General Secretary and Vitaliy Kreidich, Executive Secretary visited the training hall where Alexander Kurlovich used to train for several years, the monument of Olympic Champions initiated by Mr. Kurlovich. They laid a wreath on his grave.
The Belarus Weightlifting Family and the sport authorities of Grodno greatly honour the memory of their weightlifting legend, they plan to hold international competitions in memoriam of Alexander Kurlovich each year in his hometown. They – alongside with the widow – continue his work of educating young athletes in all fields of sport and spreading the spirit of Olympism.