IWF Congress in Tashkent
The IWF held its Congress prior to the kick off of the 2018 IWF Junior World Championships Tashkent, UZB in presence of delegates from 63 countries.
Congress delegates received information on the key decisions taken by the IWF Executive Board on 4-5 July. Delegates approved the reports from the three IWF Committees (Technical, Medical, Coaching and Research).
The ten (10) new bodyweight categories for women and ten (10) new categories approved by the IWF Executive Board were ratified by the Congress. The seven (7) and seven (7) selected for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were also presented.
They will now be included to the Qualification System for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Following a comprehensive presentation, the Qualification System was officially approved by the Congress.
Both the Financial Report for 2017 presented by the IWF Financial Advisor and the Auditor’s Report for the year 2017 presented by KPMG were approved.
Future Event Organizers gave presentation to the Congress delegates:
- 2018 FISU World University Championships Biala Podlaska, POL
- 2018 Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires, ARG
- 2018 IWF World Championships Ashgabat, TKM
- 2019 IWF Junior World Championships Las Vegas, USA
- 2019 IWF Youth World Championships Suva, FIJ
- 2019 IWF World Championships Pattaya, THA
- 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo, JPN
- 2020 IWF Youth World Championships Lima, PER
- 2020 IWF Junior World Championships Cairo, EGY