WFA Sports Management Course
WFA Sports Management Course held in Hammamet, Tunisia between 10-16 November, 2017.
The Sport Management Course was part of Weightlifting Federation of Africa (WFA) developmental program through the Continental Contribution of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF).
The Course targeted General Secretaries, administrators of the national weightlifting federations in Africa. Representatives from seven countries took part: Zambia, Ghana, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Congo, Mauritius, Libya and Tunisia.
The following topics were covered in the course: Introduction to sport management, Sports network, International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), Basic database of Weightlifting National Federation (WNF), Basic documents necessary for the work of the weightlifting national federation, Event calendar, Weightlifting competition, Risk management in weightlifting, Public relations and social media in sport, Organization of meetings, Decision making and conflict in sport organizations, IWF development program.
Dr. Mustapha CHAOUACHI, President of Tunisian Weightlifting Federation, opened and closed the Course. All participants attended all classes and were very active. There were lectures, as well as discussions how to organize administrative activities of national weightlifting federations with different levels of development.
Special gratitude to International Weightlifting Federation and Weightlifting Federation of Africa for supporting this event.
Source: Milan V. Mihajlovic
President, Serbian Weightlifting Federation
IWF TC member
EWF CR&SC member