Seminar in Chile
In Santiago de Chile between 30th September and 1st October Chilean Weightlifting Federation organized a “Strengthening and Evaluation of the implementation of the national technical criteria” seminar. The experts were Mr. Georgi Panchev, Head Coach of the Federation, Mr. Ronald Salina, Technical Manager, Ms. Romina Chang, Technical Secretary and Mr. Juan Miranda, representative of the National Anti-doping Commission. The organizers invited people from the 15 regions of the country and finally 22 participants attended. It is important to note that as a fruit of the different seminars realized in the past years with the assistance of IWF Development Program, during this year’s National Games 13 from the 15 regions participated. Attendants heard lectures about the new rules, modifications of the rules, strategic plan of collecting talents, ADAMS system, etc. The seminar was a great success, it achieved its aim. IWF is glad that could support this seminar in the framework of IWF Continental Contribution.