2017 WADA Annual Symposium: Play True „What do you play for?”
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) held its Annual Symposium 13-15 March, in Lausanne hosting more than 500 anti-doping experts from NADOs, IFs, other ADOs, Laboratories, Media representatives and for the first time Governmental Representatives.
The main theme of the Symposium was: „Tackling our Challenges and Strengthening the Future of Clean Sport”.
The first day of the Symposium consisted of plenary sessions where Sir Craig Reedie, WADA President and Olivier Niggli, WADA Director General talked about how the Anti-Doping Community shall use the recent turbulent times as an opportunity to bring its fight against doping to a higher level.
Among others, further speakers of the plenary sessions were Pavel Kolobkov, Sports Minister of the Russian Federation who gave an update on the recent Anti-Doping activities in Russia and Prof Richard McLaren who presented the investigation methods applied to deliver his Reports.
On the second and third days of the Symposium the participants had the possibility to attend practical workshops on different topics such as: education, funding, testing programs, results management, risk assessment, good governance practises, stimulating cooperation between governments and sport, and ADOs and Laboratories, and anti-doping reporting mechanisms.
On the occasion of one of the practical workshops the IWF was invited to present its system applicable to Sporting Bodies based on which the IWF Executive Board has the authority to impose sanctions on Member Federations violating the IWF Anti-Doping Rules. The rules were presented to the attendants of the workshop by Dr. Eva Nyirfa, IWF Legal Counsel.
As always, the Symposium was a perfect opportunity for the IWF (represented by Dr. Patrick Schamasch, IWF Anti-Doping Commission Chairman, Dr. Zakia Bartagi, IWF ADC Member, Dr. Eva Nyirfa, Legal Counsel, Dr. Lilla Sagi, Junior Legal Counsel and Ms. Melody Exhenry, Administrative Assistant) to further strengthen its cooperation with other ADO’s.
For more information related to the Symposium visit the following website.