Kosovo Weightlifting Federation Electoral Congress
On October 1st 2016 Kosova Weightlifting Federation held its Electoral Congress. The Elections were held at the House of Sport in Prishtina under the supervision of Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports where 18 delegates from the four regions of Kosovo where present.
The newly Executive Board consists of:
Mr. Ali Sekiraça, President
Mr. Astrit Hasani, General Secretary-treasurer
Mr. Arian Zogu, member
Mr. Yll Boshnjaku, member
Mr. Fazli Obrazhda, member
According to the KWF constitution the President with the approval of the Executive Board in the next meeting will appoint two (2) Board Members.
The electoral congress also elected Mr. Pashk Paluca as Chairman of Technical Committee and Ms. Diana Haxhiu Budima as Chairman of Medical Committee. In addition, Ms. Agnesa Maxharri, Ms. Blerta Sopa and Ms. Samire Sadiku where elected as members of Supervisory Council.
Congratulations to all elected officials!