Eric Rosario passed away
Eric Rosario passed away on Saturday, 11th June, after a very brave fight against cancer.
His knowledge on the sport of weightlifting was second to none. His communication abilities with the young and more seniors were exceptional.
He was involved with the sport of weightlifting firstly as a competitor in India, then in Australia, as a coach at the Hawthorn Weightlifting Club in Melbourne for many years and also the Melbourne University Weightlifting Club. Eric was the first manager/coach to take the Australian junior team to participate at the first World Junior Championships held in Marseille – France in 1975. He went on to coach Australian teams many times. Eric was also a very distinguished International Category One Technical Official. At one stage he was also the Secretary General of the Victorian Weightlifting Association.
Eric excelled in the field of lecturing. The International Weightlifting Federation on a number of occasions requested Eric to run seminars in coaching and refereeing in some countries of the world.
The sport of weightlifting has truly lost not only a dear friend, but a very intelligent and humble man.
Our thoughts are with his dear wife Prisca, his daughters Louise and Viola, his son Alois and their families.
Source: Paul Coffa