12th WADA Anti-Doping Organitazion Symposium
The World Anti-Doping Agency held its 12th Anti-Doping Organization Symposium this week between 14-16. March. The Event hosted a record number of 500 participants, among them the Chairman and Member of the IWF Anti-Doping Commission, Dr. Patrick Schamasch and Dr. Zakia Bartagi.
In his opening speech, WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie called upon the Anti-Doping Community to work together to restore the credibility of sport in the light of the recent events.
The Event featured interviews with Richard W. Pound, WADA’s Founding President and Chair of its Independent Commission and Lord Sebastian Coe, President of the International Association of Athletics Federations.
The Symposium consisted of plenary sessions under the following sub-themes: how the 2015 World Ant-Doping Code is making a difference, how to capitalize on major events to protect clean athletes, how science can support quality programs and anti-doping coordination.
Following the plenary session about the Practices based on the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code, Dr. Magdolna Trombitás, Legal Counsel of the IWF was invited as a round table speaker to share the successes and challenges the IWF has experienced since the entry into force of the 2015 Code.
On the last day of the Symposium the participants had the possibility to attend practical workshops about education, testing strategies, results management, sample storage and re-analysis and anti-doping reporting mechanisms.
The protection of the clean athletes remains the ultimate goal of the Anti-Doping Community and the IWF Anti-Doping Commission!