Competitions ended in Wroclaw with Kazakhstan and Russia crowned in the superheavys
The victory of NOGAY Nadezhda (KAZ), Junior World Champion and several times Youth World Champion was not questionable. With 6 good lifts, the Kazakh lifter got and easy win over all other contenders. She was crowned World Champion of the Women’s +75kg bodyweight category taking the lead over CHAIDEE Duangaksorn (THA) and DHIEB Yosra (TUN).
NOGAY had the second lighter bodyweight in the competition, and managed to defeat 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Champion CHAIDEE.
African Junior Champion in 2013 and 2014 as well as African Champion in 2013 DHIEB Yosra (TUN) ranked 4th in the Snatch and in the Clean and Jerk, but with her Total of 251kg, she ended on the third place in the end. ABBAS Halima Abdelazim Sedky (EGY) missed two attempts in the Snatch, and her Clean and Jerk result of 141kg wasn’t enough to make it to the podium in the Total.
As an unexpected move, MARTIROSYAN Simon (ARM) bombed out after six missed attempts. Starting his Snatch at 177kg and going up for 178kg, he missed all three. Coming for the Clean and Jerk, the weight of 215kg seemed too high to start with – he couldn’t control any of the lifts.
The road was paved with Gold for SAVCHUK Antoniy (RUS). Head to head with the Belorussian lifter in the Snatch – SAVCHUK took the lead with an advantage of 5kg. KENJAEV Davron (UZB) finished third but only by bodyweight lifting 173kg, just as CHINEN Kosuke (JPN).
In the Clean and Jerk, the Russian attempted 238kg, without success, but with his Total of 415kg he was crowned Junior World Champion – last medal to be given out in Wroclaw.
MZHACHYK Aliaksei (BLR) followed with 401kg, while third place went to Japan, with MURAKAMI Eishiro (JPN) – ranking 5th and 4th in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.