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First competition day – First Gold for China

With a 126kg Snatch, KRUAITHONG Sinphet (THA) won the gold in the Snatch but only by bodyweight over the Chinese lifter MENG Cheng. Ending with the same 126kg, he missed 127 and 130 for his second and third attempts.

Bronze Medal in the Snatch went to SCARANTINO Mirco (ITA) lifting 117kg, and he continued his powerful progress even in the Clean and Jerk. He secured his medal with 145kg, and attempted 148, but it seemed to be too heavy this time. With his Total of 262kg, Mirco got the place of the podium as well as the Bronze!

KRUAITONG had only 1 successful lift in the Clean and Jerk at 142kg, still enough for the Silver in the Total.

With his first lift in the Clean and Jerk (150kg), 2014 Nanjing YOG Champion and 2015 Junior World Champion was already the ultimate winner in the Men’s 56kg. Still he came out for a second and third attempt at 160kg, but couldn’t control the weight. With his Total of 276kg, he stood on first place of the podium.