New Executive sets cornerstones for next 4 years
The IWF Executive Board concluded its 2 days meeting in Beijing, China.
The official opening was performed by Mr. Yang Shuan, Vice Minister of Sport and Vice President of the Chinese NOC.
The mission of this first meeting following the Elections was to lay down the cornerstones of the operation for the next 4 years. The Executive Board members are enthusiastic and determined to work for the benefit of the sport with full energy in the coming term.
The Chairpersons of the 3 Elected Committees (Technical, Medical, Coaching and Research) as well as of the various Commissions were appointed.
Technical Committee: Sam COFFA
Medical Committee: Dr. Michael IRANI
Coaching & Research Committee: Maj.Gen. Intarat YODBANGTOEY
Anti-Doping Commission: Dr. Patrick SCHAMASCH
Financial Commission: Dato ONG Poh Eng
Development & Education Commission: José QUINONES
Women’s Commission: Moira LASSEN
Marketing Commission: MA Wenguang
Athletes’ Commission: Pyrros DIMAS
Disciplinary Commission: Alexander GERASIMENKO
Membership Commission: Mohammed JALLOUD
Ethics Commission Vice Chairman: Birendra Prasad BAISHYA
Intercontinental Commission: Dr. Tamás AJÁN
In accordance with the new constitution a fully independent Anti-Doping Commission will be established as its Chairman Dr. Partick Schamasch former IOC Medical Director was appointed.
The Executive Board assessed the IWF’s financial situation and confirmed its long term Financial Strategy and approved adjustments to the 2013 Budget.
A Development Program of a scale larger than ever before was approved for the support of the Member Federations, Continental Federations and Regional Federations.
Within the framework of the meeting, the EB members paid a visit to the Chinese National Weightlifting Training Center, and the office of the host Chinese Weightlifting Association.
Mr. Ma Wenguang, General Secretary was proud and pleased to host this important meeting in the Chinese Capital, Beijing.