New IWF Grand Prix introduced in Baku, Azerbaijan
The IWF Grand Prix Baku International Cup 14-15 December 2012 was officially opened by Mr. Ismail Ismaylov, Deputy Minister and Azerbaijan Weightlifting Federation Vice-President and Dr. Tamas Ajan, IWF President.
Men’s 62kg bodyweight category:
The favorite of the competition, Olympic Bronze Medallist HRISTOV Valentin (AZE) won three Gold Medals with a Total of 302kg – 6kg more than what he performed at the London 2012 Olympic Games in the 56kg.
Silver Medal went to BAZARBAYEV Umurbek (TKM) who arrived 4th at the 2012 Asian Championships. The second lifter from Azerbaijan, SULEYMANOV Zulfugar won the Bronze Medal with bodyweight lifting 280kg; exactly the same as NAZIF Ferdi (BUL).
Women’s 53kg bodyweight category:
Another Olympic Bronze Medallist and European Champion in 2012, IOVU Cristina (MDA) managed to grab victory. She came out for her first attempts in the Snatch and in the Clean and Jerk with higher entry than the other competitors; securing her leading position.
The Belorussian lifter CHYCHKAN Alena (BLR) won the Gold in the Clean and Jerk lifting 1kg more than IOVU. She won Silver in the Total. The Bronze Medal was awarded to COBAN Aysegul (TUR), European Junior Champion in 2010.