South American lifters being serious rivals at the Youth World Championships
Men’s 62kg Bodyweight Category
South American lifters are showing strong determination to overtake the victory from the Asian athletes.
YUAN Chengfei (CHN) took advantage over the other competitors in the Snatch winning the Gold Medal, however it wasn’t enough to beat the Colombian winner.
MOSQUERA Luis (COL) performed well in the Clean and Jerk leaving no chances for the others to catch him up.
Silver Medallist in the Snatch, Gold in the Clean and Jerk and in the Total, the Colombian athlete preceded MUNOZ Jonathan (MEX) who lifted a Total of 265kg.
Women’s 48kg Bodyweight Category
No change in the medal share and no big surprises in the Women’s 48kg.
Columbia doubled the number of its victories. After the 62kg Men’s, HINESTROZA Yiliana (COL) won the three Gold Medals. With a Total of 163kg, she was the uncontested winner of the category.
The Venezuelan lifter MARIA Sierra ended the competition with 155kg and 3 Silver Medals. ZHANG Chunhua (CHN) lifted only 3kg less and won the 3 Bronze Medals.
Women’s 53kg Bodyweight Category
The last lift decided it all. Nothing was certain until the last Clean and Jerk attempt for the Mexican, Colombian and Romanian athletes.
With six good lifts, DURAN Ana (MEX) stood up on the first place of the podium winning a Silver in the Snatch, Gold in the Clean and Jerk and in the Total. Her last attempt of 102kg in the Clean and Jerk gave her the so coveted victory.
The Colombian ALVAREZ Yenny won the Gold Medal in the Snatch, Silver in the Clean and Jerk and in the Total with only 1kk less than the Mexican competitor (178kg) .
PRICOP Laura Ionela (ROU) wanted to secure her third place and lifted a Total of 171kg. Bronze Medallist in the Clean and Jerk and in the Total, she outstripped other great lifters in the bodyweight category to win the medal.
The Chinese lifter LI Yan couldn’t control perfectly the weight and missed the podium due to an unsuccessful last attempt. However, she managed to grab the Bronze Medal in the Snatch.