IOC Anti-Doping Rules applicable to the London 2012 Olympic Games
During the Period of the London Olympic Games, all Doping Controls initiated by the IOC shall include testing for all Prohibited Substances and all Prohibited Methods referred to in the Prohibited List.
The Period of the London Olympic Games is defined as “the period commencing on the date of the opening of the Olympic village for the Olympic Games, namely, 16 July 2012, up until and including the day of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, namely, 12 August 2012”.
For the purposes of the Prohibited List, the Period of the London Olympic Games shall be treated as an “in-competition” period, meaning that all Prohibited Substances and all Prohibited Methods are prohibited.
Athletes will be subject to Doping Controls at any time during the Period of the Olympic Games for all Prohibited Substances and all Prohibited Methods referred to in the Prohibited List.