Famous Ghani Yalouz visit to weightlifting Dome
Among President Jean Paul Bulgaridhes’ guests there are many famous persons come to enjoy weightlifting competitions. Yesterday it was a full house not only on the stands but in the VIP zone as well. Among France’s most well known faces we could find one of the most known French sportsmen Ghani Yalouz. This very successful wrestler had two European Championships title and an Olympic silver medal besides his other great results.
Nowadays he works as the Technical Director of French track and field sport.
“I was very happy to come to Disneyland as this world championship is really a great sport festival, as magical as Disneyland is. I consider weightlifting a basic sport of all, like athletics and we always respect strength. As an active athlete I used to lift a lot. Today I prefer golf instead of struggling the weights. It is really a very hard work and the idea of raising my hat to all strong athletes brought me here” – he said.
Q: What is your impression on the competition?
A: I think the atmosphere is great. I love people supporting lifters by all possible ways. I think the audience is very satisfied with this event. They enjoy the outstanding battles of the top lifters on their way to be qualified to London. I wish France was organizing the world championship not only in every 30 years. Last time we had this great caliber event in Lille in 1981. We had fantastic lifters at that time let us name just Senet. His successor Dabaya however could not perform well in the Dome will do better next time.