Thank you Lima!
On the 3rd day of the competitions, Haiti made its first step in the history of World Championships. Celestin Madgelin became the first ever athlete from Haiti in Women 58kg category competing on the World Championships.
On the last day of the YWC, World Records were broken in both genders, the crowded venue could witness Nadezhda Nogaj, KAZ braking all thee World Records in the Women +69kg category and Aleksey Kosov, RUS braking the snatch World Record in Men 94kg category. The medals were presented by Mr. Arturo Woodman, Sport Minister of Peru accompanied by Zygmunt Wasiela, IWF Vice President and Jan Stefanik, SVK WF General Secretary.
According to the IWF traditions, Team Trophies were presented on the Closing Banquet for the best teams where Russia dominated winning in both gender:
Women: 1. RUS, 2. CHN, 3. MEX, 4. TUR, 5. COL, 6. PER
Men: 1. RUS, 2. COL, 3. CHN, 4. TUR, 5. MEX, 6. ARM
The Eleiko – IWF Best lifter Trophies went to Nadezhda Nogaj, KAZ, winning in the Women +69kg category with World Records, and to Artem Okulov, RUS winning in the Men 85kg category.
On behalf of IWF, Zygmunt Wasiela, IWF Vice President presented appreciation to the Chairmen of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Jose Quinones for the excellent organization. Mr. Quinones, President of the Peruvian Weightlifting Federation and also the Peruvian Olympic Committee confirmed that Lima is ready to welcome back the Weightlifting Family for the 2013 Junior World Championships!