Record participants among women in Antalya
The 78th Men’s and 21st Women’s World Championships 2010, Antalya set a “World Record” even before getting started. Women weightlifters from 54 countries are participating in the competition that started today, altogether 218 women will perform on stage.
This high number of participating countries has never been reached before at any other competition. The previous record was set during the World Championships in Thailand 2007 where women from 53 countries competed in the city of Chiang Mai.
At the 2010 Antalya World Weightlifting Championships 563 athletes from 81 countries sent their Final Entry forms and appear on the start list. During the competition that takes place at the Expo Center, the 1,500th medal will be awarded to the lucky woman that will be able to reach that milestone (in the 69kg category).