Sofia to host Junior World Weightlifting Championships in June
Up till now 52 countries have sent their entry forms to the 36th Men’s and 16th Women’s Junior World Weightlifting Championships.
The event will be held in the Universiade Sports Hall in Sofia, Bulgaria 11-20 June 2010.
We would like to call your attention to the deadline of the submission of entry, wich is May 28, 2010.
Please find underneath some useful information:
Members of the Bulgarian Organising Commitee:
Svilen Nejkov – Honorary Chairman
Anton Kodjabashev- President of OC
Tenio Tenev – Executive Secretary
Sevdalin Marinov – Competition Director
Norair Nurikian – VIP Coordinator
Nikola Mollov- International Relations Secretary
Asen Zlatev- Technical Commissioner
Ljubomir Vasilev – MPES Coordinator (Ministry of Physical Education and Sport)
Press Chief of JWC: Georgi Banev
Park Hotel Moskva
Hotel Pliska (1113 Sofia, 87 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd )
Accreditation will take place at the Park Hotel Moskva.
Address of the Bulgarian Organising Commitee:
1040 Sofia
75, Vasil Levski Blvd,
Ministry of Psysical Education and Sport
Tel, fax: +359 2 981 0506
For regulation and detailed program please click here.