Six African records broken by Esmat Mansour El Sayed (EGY)
Six African Records by Esmat Mansour El Sayed
Ruth Kasirye with two Norwegian Records
Jessica Embacher with Austrian U-20 Record
Nina Eichhorn with five Austrian U-13 Records
Abir Khalil Winner of the Eleiko Grand Prix ahead of Ruth Kasirye
There was a great atmosphere in the Lochen sports hall on 22nd and 23rd May 2009 during the 6th International Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix. More than 200 spectators had come to watch the top groups both on Friday at 8 p.m. and on Saturday at 4 p.m. and did not have to regret their decision. An Egyptian delegation had even arrived from Vienna to cheer their athletes on. The internationally most successful lifters like Abir Khalil (EGY – 5th at the Olympic Games in Beijing and Junior World Champion 2008), Ruth Kasirye (NOR – 2nd at the European Championships 2009 and 6th at the 2008 Olympics), Michaela Breeze (GBR – two-fold Olympic participant and medallist at World and European Championships), Romela Begaj (ALB – European Champion in the snatch 2008 and 2009, and 6th at the Olympics), Esmat Mansour (Silver medallist of the Junior World Championships) showed world class weightlifting.
The International Weightlifting Federation also demonstrated great interest in the Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix. Two representatives of the Hungarian Anti Doping Agency came from Budapest to take a total of 15 doping test.
The fight for the overall Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix between Ruth Kasirye from Norway and Abir Khalil from Egypt was extremely exciting. Ruth Kasirye concluded the competition with 130 kg in the clean and jerk, chalking up a total of 230 kg, and thus setting two new Norwegian records. Khalil, however, began at 130 kg in the clean and jerk, increased to 137 kg and finally required 142 kg to win the Grand Prix. The weight did not prove to be a problem for the only 17-year-old Junior World Champion and she won with 285.30 points marginally ahead of Ruth Kasirye with 285.09 points.
Esmat Mansour El Sayed, 3rd of the Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix, established six new African records in the 63 kg category with 96 kg, 99 kg and 101 kg in the snatch, 123 kg in the clean and jerk, and 220 kg and 224 kg in the total.
Jessica Embacher, 19-year-old student representing Union Fulda Lochen, set an Austrian U-20 record with 82 kg in the clean and jerk. Nina Eichhorn (Buchkirchen) established five Austrian U-13 records with 43 kg and 45 kg in the snatch, 52 kg in the clean and jerk, and 94 kg and 97 kg in the total.
Team Contest: Egypt ahead of UK and Sweden
Egypt won clearly ahead of UK, Sweden, Austria, Brandenburg und Saxony-Anhalt.
Eleiko Grand Prix Party
All participants were delighted with the only European women’s tournament. The host town of the Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix 2010 will be announced by September 2009.
Everyone had great fun until 2 at night at the Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix Party, which also included the victory ceremonies for the best lifters and the best teams. The U-17 category brought a treble victory for Egypt by Abir Khalil, Abdel Lattief Abdel Hay and Gamal Maged Shimaa. Carita Hansson from Schweden won the U-20 category, ahead of Matilda Samuelsson, also from Sweden, and Emily Godely from the UK. Abir Khalil from Egypt won the Eleiko Women’s Grand Prix and the prize of € 300. Ruth Kasiyre from Norway came second and received € 200; Esmat Mansour from Egypt was third. All participants of the different weight categories received cups, certificates, EWF calendars and flowers.
Host club Union Fulda Lochen would like to thank all sponsors. Great thanks to the Swedish company Eleiko AB and their former director Johan Erling. Without his support this unique women’s contest in Europe would never have been held.
By Conny Högg
Translation by Ulrich Bug
Jury – Referees – Time Keepers – Announcers:
Katharina Peya (AUT), Rene Deville (LUX), Karl Rimböck (GER), Mike Höffler (GER), Ulrich Dämmig (GER), Horst Tischler (SUI), Harald Resch (AUT), Caroline Charles (GBR), Alfred Grundner (AUT), Gerhard Pengg (AUT), Florian Maderegger (AUT), Dominik Stockinger (AUT).
African Records:
Esmat Mansour El Sayed (EGY) – category 63 kg – 96 kg / 99 kg / 101 kg snatch, 123 kg clean and jerk, 220 kg /224 kg total
Norwegian Records:
Ruth Kasirye (NOR) – category 69 kg – 130 kg clean and jerk, 230 kg total
Austrian U-20 Record:
Jessica Embacher (AUT) – category 58 kg – 82 kg clean and jerk
Austrian U-13 Records:
Nina Eichhorn (AUT) – category 48 kg – 43 kg / 45 kg snatch, 52 kg clean and jerk, 94 kg / 97 kg total
Eleiko Grand Prix Records:
Esmat Mansour El Sayed (EGY) – category 63 kg – 96 kg / 99 kg / 101 kg snatch, 119 kg / 123 kg clean and jerk, 220 kg / 224 kg total
Ruth Kasirye (NOR) – category 69 kg – 130 kg clean and jerk
Abdel Lattief Abdel Hay (EGY) – category 75 kg – 87 kg snatch, 190 kg total
Abir Adel Rahman Khalil (EGY) – category +75 kg – 107 kg / 111 kg snatch, 130 kg / 137 kg / 142 kg clean and jerk, 241 kg / 248 kg / 253 kg total.
Some comments about the tournament
Martin Graber, who had come from Switzerland:
Perfect organization and great activity of everyone involved. The athletes’ results were super and would, in fact, have deserved greater attention from the weightlifting fans from near and far. This is also an important opportunity for young lifters seriously planning a career. The pressure is not as high as at European or World Championships, nevertheless it is a real challenge for the women. Best promotion for women’s weightlifting as well as for Eleiko! I hope two or three mates will come with me to watch next year.
Andre Rohde from Germany:
It was a well organized event and we enjoyed being part of it. We will come again next year wherever the competition will take place.
Dear KoniThank you very much for the hospitality for our national team. They made good results and have fantastic memory about competition. You made it wunderfull. Congratulation.
Milan V. Mihajlovic – President Serbia Federation
Hello Konrad!
Thank you fore a very good competition. We look forward to next year.
Thony Ragnarsson – Swedish nationalcoach
Hi Konrad!
Thank you for a great competition!
Ingrid Teeuwen – Lifter from Nederland