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Record number of 118 candidates registered to the IWF elections

Before the 30 December 2008 deadline, the National Federations submitted the forms for an unprecedented number of 118 candidates to the upcoming elections at the IWF Electoral Congress in Madrid. Congress Delegates will vote on 1 April to elect the officials of the IWF Executive Board and its four Committees (Technical, Medical, Scientific & Research and Auditors).
In the 109-year old history of the International Federation, never before had such enormous interest been registered in the positions on the leading bodies of the Federation. This is a clear indication that the sport of weightlifting has undoubtedly strengthened its status and prestige, with the smashing success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games obviously contributing to its popularity and renown.

Candidates to all posts of the IWF’s governing bodies largely outnumber the vacancies, with the most candidatures submitted to the Executive Board Member (39) and to the Technical Committee Member (39) positions. There is only one exception: Dr. Tamás Aján (HUN) can face the election to IWF President unchallenged. If elected, the Hungarian would be President of the IWF for a third consecutive term, after having served six periods since 1976 as General Secretary.