Working Group on IWF rules met in Budapest
A Working Group met at the IWF Secretariat in Budapest for three days to elaborate the Draft of the 2009-2012 edition of the IWF’s Constitution, Technical & Competition Rules. The Group included Dr. Tamás Aján, IWF President, Sam Coffa, IWF 1st Vice President, Anikó Németh-Móra, IWF Director, Attila Ádámfi, IWF Competition Director and other members of the Secretariat.
As has been tradition in the Federation, a complete Draft of the IWF Handbook will be prepared, incorporating the modifications proposed and discussed in the last three years, and sent to the National Federations several months prior to the Electoral Congress for study before approval.
Delegates will vote to approve the new Constitution and Rules on 3-4 April 2009 in Madrid, at the next Electoral Congress of the IWF.