Funeral of Janusz Przedpelski (82), Hon. IWF Vice President, EWF President and President of PZPC
Janusz Przedpelski (82), Honorary IWF Vice President, EWF President and President of the Polish Weightlifting Federation for 50 years, was buried in Warsaw, Poland, on 4th September 2008.
Poland’s past and present champion lifters stood guard of honour by his bier, among them Szymon Kolecki and Marcin Dolega
On behalf of the International Weightlifting Federation, President Dr. Tamás Aján delivered obituary
The IWF President was received in the office of the Polish Federation by PZPC officials
IWF Director Anikó Németh-Móra joined the President at the funeral and the discussions at the Polish Federation’s headquarters
At the Polish Olympic Committee’s House, in front of the wall of Olympic Champions, with POC President Piotr Nurowski and PZPC President Zygmunt Wasiela