IWF Electoral Congress
On 4th March 2005 in Istanbul, the delegates from 5
continents representing 112 countries settled down to the important
business of the quadrennial Congress of the IWF.
After the reports of the IWF President, General
Secretary and Committee Chairmen, two new members were affiliated to
the Federation: Scotland and Oman. With them, the IWF’s membership
rose to 173 members.
In the process of the approval of the modified
Constitution, By-Laws and Technical Rules of the Federation, valid
for the next four years, the most significant decision was the
change of the traditional 2.5-kg progression of the weight of the
barbell to a universally applied progression by 1-kg increments.
Thus avoiding the controversy in the classification of athletes
arising from the different calculation of records, the actually
achieved results and the official total results, the Federation made
a revolutionary step towards a clearer, closer and even more
exciting competition. The new 1-kilo rule will enter into force on
1st May 2005.
Later on the day, elections took place into all the
leading administrative bodies of the IWF for the term 2005-2008.
Dr. Tamás Aján of Hungary, was confirmed in the
President’s position for a further term by acclamation and the
standing ovation of all delegates. Similarly, Mr. Yannis Sgouros
from Greece was re-elected as General Secretary by acclamation.